All Time High Portfolio Overview - 24 November 2023


This comprehensive portfolio overview provides a detailed snapshot of the current holdings, performance metrics, and planned adjustments for the All-Time High (ATH) portfolio as of 24 November 2023. The portfolio is composed of 10 carefully selected stocks, with a total allocation of 93.00%, while the remaining 7.00% is held in cash.

Current Holdings:

Here is an overview of the current portfolio holdings, along with relevant details:

Performance Metrics:

The portfolio's performance from January 1, 2019, to the present date is as follows:

Planned Adjustments:

Buying new stocks will be stopped till next exits as per sell conditions. Sell recommendation shall be followed as per stoploss, as indicated "SELL" remarks in the table. 

New Stock to add:

Not applicable
Existing Stock to Exit: 
Not applicable

The ATH portfolio continues to demonstrate strong performance, with notable gains and a strategic approach to managing holdings. Investors should completely sell stocks with "SELL" remarks and consider reallocating funds accordingly. This proactive approach ensures the portfolio remains aligned with evolving market conditions and investment goals.

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